Change in LSSA Vice-President position
Change in LSSA Vice-President position
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Change in LSSA Vice-President position
Change in LSSA Vice-President
Judge President’s Practice Directive: Enrolment of Rule 43 applications during administrative recess
Amendment of the Rules regulating the conduct of court proceedings
The Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) welcomes the Supreme Court of Appeal’s (SCA) dismissal of the application for leave to appeal in the matter of Proxi Smart Services (Pty) Limited vs the Law Society of South Africa and Others. The application was dismissed on 7 May 2019 on the basis that there is no reasonable prospect of success in an appeal and there is no other compelling reason why an appeal should be heard.
Proxi Smart Services (Pty) Limited applied to the Gauteng Division of the High Court for declaratory relief concerning the lawfulness of its business model for performing the administrative and related services pertaining to property transfers that it contended was not by law reserved to conveyancers or legal practitioners.
The LSSA contended that the applicant’s attempt at creating a distinction between ‘reserved work’ and ‘non-reserved work’ had no basis in law, and that the full conveyancing process is regarded as professional work performed by conveyancers.
‘The conveyancing process should remain under the control of conveyancers. This is in the interest of the public whom they serve,’ says the President of the LSSA, Mvuzo Notyesi.
The matter was first heard on 6 and 7 February 2018 and, in the judgment delivered on 16 May 2018, the Court held that the applicant has not made out a case for the relief it sought and dismissed the application with cost.
In December 2018, the applicant was denied leave to appeal by the Gauteng High Court. It then filed an application for leave to appeal with the SCA on 15 January 2019.
View all the Proxi Smart matter documents on the LSSA website.
The Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) acknowledges that the elections were generally free and fair. The LSSA commends the IEC on a job well done and recognises the important role it plays in protecting and promoting our constitutional democracy.
The LSSA welcome the steps taken by the Electoral Commission to conduct an audit of results and votes cast in a sample of voting stations to deal with the concerns raised by a number of smaller parties, in the interests of accountability and transparency,’ says LSSA President, Mvuzo Notyesi.
He adds: ‘We note that effective coordination is necessary to ensure elections are run according to legislation, taking into consideration the number of voters and voting stations on election day.’
The LSSA notes with concern that, according to reports by the IEC, in 2014, the turnout figure was 73.48%. While this year, South Africa registered a voter turnout of 65.99% for the national ballot meaning that voter turnout dropped by almost 7.5 %. Mr Notyesi urged the public to participate in future elections as every vote counts.
The LSSA urges all political parties, the public and civil society to cooperate to address some of the key issues facing our country, in the national interest, inter alia:
• To protect the rule of law and deal with the scourge of corruption in our society;
• To transform the economy and to address unemployment and the plight of the poor and the marginalized; and
• To address service delivery to our communities.
The LSSA commits itself to continue to play a proactive role in the interests of our society.
We also congratulate the ANC in its continuous and uninterrupted period of 6 years as a majority party and equally applaud the performance of all political parties in the elections.
We urge the ruling party and all parties that shall be represented in Parliament and Government to ensure that they prioritise service delivery and project of building south Africa.
LSSA Press release new leadership 2 April 2019
Law Society elects new President and Vice-Presidents
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