Candidate Attorneys

Practical Vocational Training Contracts (PVTC) for candidate attorneys and pupil advocates must be registered with the Legal Practice Council.

Note: It is of the utmost importance that the PVTC and supporting documentation is lodged with the relevant provincial office of the Legal Practice Council within 2 months from the date of the contract to ensure compliance with Rule 22.1.2 of the Rules promulgated in terms of the Legal Practice Act, 2014.

For documentation and full information, please access the Legal Practice Council website at and select ‘Practical Vocational Training Contracts (PVTC)’ from the drop-down menu under the relevant region, to

  • view information on the requirements for the registration of a PVTC for a candidate attorney in terms of the Legal Practice Act, 2014, Rules and Regulations;
  • download the PVTC;
  • download the application for the registration of a PVTC and screening of prospective candidate attorneys.

Information is also available on cession of a PVTC and PVTCs for pupil advocates.

For firms in Gauteng, Mpumalanga, North-West and Limpopo:
Contact Dirkie Barkhuizen at Tel: (012) 338 5858 / 5937 / 5811
or switchboard: (012) 338 5800 or e-mail:

For firms in KwaZulu-Natal:
Contact Ms Siya Keswa at (033) 345 1304 or e-mail:

For firms in the Western, Eastern and Northern Cape:
Call (021) 443 6700 or e-mail:

For firms in the Free State:
Call (051) 447 3237 or e-mail: