Call for comment on draft insolvency policies

Call for comment on draft insolvency policies

The Law Society of South Africa’s (LSSA) Insolvency and Liquidation Matters Committee recently considered the proposed policies discussed at the Justice Department’s Draft Insolvency Policy Workshop on 10 July 2019. The workshop followed a Constitutional Court decision in Minister of Justice and Another v SA Restructuring and Insolvency Practitioners Association and Others 2018 (5) SA 349 (CC), where the court held that the Minister’s erstwhile impugned policy was ‘not reasonably capable of achieving equality’. Attorneys are encouraged to review the proposed policies and are invited to submit their comments, if any, to the LSSA, attention Kris Devan at, by 30 September 2019 should you wish for your comments to be considered as part of the LSSA’s submissions.
Download and view the draft polices here.