LPA timeframes

Timeframes for implementation of the Legal Practice Act 28 of 2014

(With acknowledgement to Jan Stemmett)
Please note: These are estimated timeframes which may change as the process develops.
Amended in view of the extension granted by the Minister until 31 January 2018 and the amendments in the Legal Practice Amendment Act.

31 October 2017          Recommendations submitted to the Minister in terms of s 97 (1)(a). View the recommendations here.
14 January 2018          National Forum Governance and Rules Committee finalises s 94 regulations and s 95 rules
18 January 2018          Legal Practcie Amendment Act 116 of 2017 gazetted in Government Gazette 41389. Download the Legal Practice Amendment Act.
27 January 2018          NF Plenary meeting to approved s 94 regulations and s 95 rules
January 2018               Draft Rules to be published by the National Forum (NF) in the Government Gazette, calling for public comments
31 January 2018          National Forum submits recommended regulations to the Minister in terms of s 94
February 2018             NF Exco and Justice Department finalise supply chain process for procuring an elections administration service provider
February 2018             Comment period fordraft rules published in January 2018, closes
March 2018                 NF deliberates, reviews, amends and finalises s 95 Rules
April 2018                   NF publishes final Rules in terms of s 95 in the Government Gazette
July 2018                    The Minister publishes the Regulations in terms of s 109
July 2018                    The President proclaims the coming into effect of Chapter 2 of the LPA in the Government Gazette
1 August 2018            Chapter 2 comes into effect – Call for nominations for legal practitioners to be elected to the LPC
August 2018               LPC nominations submissions close
September 2018         Ballot papers distributed and voting process begins
September 2018         Voting process closes. Counting and verification of votes begins
September 2018         LPC is announced
31 October 2018        Dissolution of the NF
31 October 2018        Dissolution of the statutory provincial law societies
31 October 2018       All other chapters of the LPA come into effect